National Eagle Day

June 20th is American Eagle Day, and this special day was established to commemorate the anniversary of the Bald Eagle’s selection as our National Symbol in 1782, to celebrate its physical recovery in America’s skies, and to observe the American values, ideals and attributes for which it stands. What a glorious and magnificent bird, and a perfect symbol of the United States of America. From In 1995, at the request of the American Eagle Foundation, President Bill Clinton and Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist each recognized the first American Eagle Day. Since then, Governors from a combined total of 49 states have signed Proclamations or Letters of Recognition giving our National Bird, the Bald Eagle, its own “official day” in their state!

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Bald Eagle in Flight

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Sandhill Cranes on a hill

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Ruby-throated Hummingbird hovering over flowers

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Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Crane

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Trumpeter Swans in Flight

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Bumblebee among the flowers

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Short-eared Owl on the hunt during sunset

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