Eagles Nesting Season 2020

The 2021 nesting season has begun here at the local eagle’s nest, and based upon recent activities (you know what I mean) we expect a clutch of eggs in the near future. Before we get immersed in the 2021 season, just wanted to pay a little homage to our lone eaglet from the 2020 nesting season.

Mama Eagle lost her mate in 2019, and even though her new mate had a lot to learn and was a little awkward at times, he did a great job of taking care of both her and the eaglet in 2020. The eaglet successfully fledged and eventually headed off on its journey. The gallery images are a little retrospective of the nesting season, and this featured image is the last image taken of this gorgeous juvenile eagle, banking into the west wind as it circled the nest. Godspeed . . .

View the Nesting Season 2020 Gallery

Category: EaglesTags:
Bald Eagle in Flight

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