National Hummingbird Day ’20

The first Saturday in September (Sep 5th in 2020) is National Hummingbird Day, so happy day to all of our little feathered friends and to those who celebrate them! They are quite busy here in northern Illinois getting ready for their big trip south, so we’re spending as much time with them as possible before they are but a memory. Recently captured this ruby-throated angel while in between its circling around the flowers and chasing and being chased by the other hummingbirds.

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Bald Eagle in Flight

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Sandhill Cranes on a hill

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Ruby-throated Hummingbird hovering over flowers

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Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Crane

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Trumpeter Swans in Flight

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Bumblebee among the flowers

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Short-eared Owl on the hunt during sunset

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