Category: Birds
Alas, Harry could only watch as his lady swam off into the distance with her new suitor. Harry and his new buddy gave it one last go, but too little, too late. Maybe next time Harry, maybe next time. (2 images + video)
Category: Birds
Harry gave it his all for the object of his affection. In fact, he went a little overboard sometimes with his courtship antics as you can see; it made him just a little wonky! And in spite of his efforts, he still got an earful from another lady (but he wasn't interested in her anyway). Still, Harry swam proud and elegant. (4 images and to be continued . . . )
Category: Birds
Look at this jackwagon making his moves" says Harry the Hoodie, "but I'm pulling out my Jagger moves, they don't stand a chance!" (to be continued . . . )
Category: Birds
"FFS, here comes the competition" says Harry the Hoodie, "and not just one but two more suitors, geez. I'm gonna have to up my game for sure." (to be continued . . . )
Category: Birds
"Pssst . . . You over there, see that lovely lady to my left . . . It's courtship time and I'm ready 'cause I got the moves like Jagger!"