• Category: Birds

    A couple of Double-crested Cormorants get into a tussle while silhouetted against the setting summer sun. Their compadres on the left were taking an interest in the goings on as well. But it was short-lived and all continued their preening shortly after this capture.

  • Category: Birds

    Pretty sure this sometimes silly and goofy bird is recognizable and needs no introduction even in silhouette. A Double-crested Cormorant drying out in a tree while the smoked-out and hazed sun descends into the horizon.

  • Category: Birds

    These aqua-eyed Double-crested Cormorants grew tired of this lake, so they headed off together to fish in another.

  • Category: Birds

    A Double-crested Cormorant strikes a pose against a beautiful October sky.

  • Category: Birds

    Just in case you've ever wondered what this bird would look like if it were up above you on a tree limb and decided to look down at you, here you go! A cormorant looks down as if to say, "Do I know you?"

  • Category: Birds

    Look at the color of that mouth! Double-crested cormorants usually don't make the list of my gotta-have bird captures, but sure glad I paid attention to this one. It had been sitting in the west end of the lake, and like the excellent diver and fisher that it is, it made a catch and promptly took off flying. It had a precarious grip on the fish, and a few seconds after this capture the fish lived to see another day as it plopped back into the lake.

Bald Eagle in Flight



Sandhill Cranes on a hill



Ruby-throated Hummingbird hovering over flowers



Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Crane



Trumpeter Swans in Flight



Bumblebee among the flowers



Short-eared Owl on the hunt during sunset

