Category: Raptors
An American Bald Eagle delivers a fresh fish for dinner for his little eaglet in the nest.
Category: Raptors
While Mama watches with her eaglet in the nest cup, Papa negotiates some stiff southern breezes to deliver dinner for the family.
Category: Raptors
Love is in the air . . . and it won't be long before we have a clutch in the nest and hopefully, eaglets in April.
Category: Raptors
When you've been working on the nest to get it ready for the nesting season, but it's 10 degrees, and the dang snow keeps piling up, you just have to shake it off and do the chilly willies. Swipe to see the animated sequence . . .
Category: Raptors
Mama keeps a watchful eye on her lone eaglet as it struts with purpose from one end of the nest to the other. The eaglet would fledge about 5 days later.
Category: Raptors
Mama Eagle has been raising eaglets in this nest for many years, and this is the first time in several years that she has raised just one. No doubt this little one will be spoiled, not just from Mama but from her new mate as well.