Category: Raptors
An American Bald Eagle banks south and soars over the Father of Waters . . .
Category: Raptors
What a sight to behold . . those majestic Bald Eagle wings . . .
Category: Raptors
Just a touch of afternoon sun on the wings of a juvenile eagle . . .
Category: Raptors
When you're busy and you're hungry, sometimes you just have to eat on the fly . . . fresh sushi please!
Category: Raptors
Look at the wingspan of this beauty . . . a sight to behold. After the California Condor, golden and bald eagles have the longest wingspans in North America ranging from 6' to 7.5'. Female bald eagle wingspans average 7.2 feet; male bald eagle wingspans average around 6.4 feet.
Category: Raptors
A couple of juvenile eagles tussle in the sky above the frozen river. Nothing serious, just playin' around, or practicing to be a grown-up.