• Category: Raptors

    These two juvenile eagles had recently fledged last year, and one evening I found them both perched in their nesting tree below their nest where they had spent the last 3 months. Of course they kept returning to the nest for a few weeks after this to be fed since they still hadn't learned to hunt, but it wouldn't be too much longer.

  • Category: Raptors

    Red-tailed hawk displays its gorgeous feathering while staring down earlier this Spring in McHenry County, Illinois.

  • Category: Raptors

    Papa eagle delivers a fish while its mate eagerly awaits so she can feed dinner to the young eaglets. It won't be long before they are poking their little gray, fuzzy heads over the edge of the nest. And they'll be fledging before you know it, within 10 to 12 weeks, as bald eagles are the fastest growing bird in North America.

  • Category: Raptors

    By early August the juvenile eagles are spending more and more time away from the nesting area, but for now they still come back to the nest in the evening and like to perch on the branches around the nest.

    One evening while watching them perch around the nest, it became obvious that they can also get bored and restless (like young kids) as they started picking at the bark on the branch, moving up and down the branch for no reason, and then started bickering with each other with one of the juvies jumping up and pushing his sibling away with its feet. Pretty funny to observe . . .

  • Category: Raptors

    But then on August 13th late in the afternoon, I thought I'd drop by the nest to see if by chance there would be any of the eagles around. It was nice and sunny, so if they were around the lighting would cooperate. Sure enough, one of the juveniles was sitting up in the tree, and as I was taking a few portraits, these showers quickly moved in and then out . . .

Bald Eagle in Flight



Sandhill Cranes on a hill



Ruby-throated Hummingbird hovering over flowers



Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Crane



Trumpeter Swans in Flight



Bumblebee among the flowers



Short-eared Owl on the hunt during sunset

