Category: Raptors
A Red-tailed Hawk enjoys its evening snack in the quiet of an old oak tree. The 3rd image shows this beautiful juvenile using its talon to pull the tough, final remnants apart.
Category: Raptors
Found this beauty in the forest with a bead on an evening snack. This juvenile red-tailed hawk was active among the oaks and some of the fallen logs until it eventually bagged its prey and took it to a safe spot up in the tall oaks.
Category: Raptors
Mama keeps a watchful eye on her lone eaglet as it struts with purpose from one end of the nest to the other. The eaglet would fledge about 5 days later.
Category: Raptors
Osprey stretches out its beautiful talons to land on the branch of a dead tree. She perched on this branch for quite a while and called out from time-to-time to encourage her two remaining chicks to fledge. Swipe right to see a closer/cropped view of the landing.
Category: Raptors
An Osprey mama with two of her three chicks (you can see the beak of the third one in the lower left). These chicks had not yet fledged back in July and were hanging out with mama waiting for daddy to bring back some more fish. Ospreys eyes are a dark blue when they hatch, but after a few days the turn to the beautiful orange/red you see in this image. At the age of maturity which is around two years, the eyes will then turn yellow.
Category: Raptors
Mama Eagle has been raising eaglets in this nest for many years, and this is the first time in several years that she has raised just one. No doubt this little one will be spoiled, not just from Mama but from her new mate as well.