Category: Raptors
An American Bald Eagle delivers a fresh fish for dinner for his little eaglet in the nest.
Category: Raptors
While Mama watches with her eaglet in the nest cup, Papa negotiates some stiff southern breezes to deliver dinner for the family.
Category: Raptors
A Red-tailed Hawk in flight with the breezy spring winds over the Illinois prairie.
Category: Raptors
Just look at that face! Barn Owls used to be plentiful throughout all of Illinois, including here in northern Illinois. But as much of the Illinois prairie has been developed with small farms dwindling and conglomerate-based farms of soy and corn replaced hay, wheat and cattle enterprises, their numbers were decimated . . .
Category: Raptors
After turning on a dime and diving, a short-eared owl flies low through the prairie in search of an evening snack.
Category: Raptors
Love is in the air . . . and it won't be long before we have a clutch in the nest and hopefully, eaglets in April.