Category: Raptors
The late afternoon sun kisses the wings of a bald eagle in flight . . .
Category: Raptors
Target acquired . . . Locked . . . Engage! Poor shad doesn't stand a chance . . .
Category: Raptors
Juvie Eagle: "Look what I caught Uncle Baldy!" Uncle Baldy: "That's a mighty nice catch you have there young'un, thanks for all the fish!"
Category: Raptors
It's that time of year when mated pairs of eagles begin their nestoration and do that thing that results in little eaglets. This pair enjoys a quiet moment at their nest during a recent sunset. Wishing them the best for a successful nesting season . . .
Category: Raptors
Rough-legged Hawk banks to the west after kiting over the prairie in the cold, blustery winter winds. The 2nd image (pano) illustrates well how this hawk acquired its moniker. The name "Rough-legged" refers to the feathered legs . . .
Category: Raptors
When you're having a bad hair day and you still bag your prey . . . all is right with the world!