Category: Ducks
This Common Goldeneye drake and two hens are quite happy with all of their recent practice and confident they are ready for the upcoming waterfowl air show . . .
Category: Ducks
Captured this male Common Goldeneye as he was making tracks around the bend of the river to catch up with his migrating mates.
Category: Ducks
When you're capturing the setting sun through a dusty, smoky sky and a skein of ducks flies through the frame . . .
Category: Ducks
An Eared Grebe and a Horned Grebe paddle along the shore in a lake at West Branch Forest Preserve in DuPage County, Illinois. Both had been taking turns diving and then popping back up several seconds later. Sometimes they would separate, but for the most part they were staying together as they navigated along the shoreline on an early Spring day.