Trog’s Blog
Trog’s Blog
Category: Birds
Hello my old friend! Sandhill Cranes have one of the longest fossil histories of any currently existing bird. The oldest unequivocal sandhill crane fossil is 2.5 million years old, older by half than the earliest remains of most living species of birds, primarily found from after the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary some 1.8 million years ago. (source: Wikipedia?"
Category: Eagles
Mama Eagle has been raising eaglets in this nest for many years, and this is the first time in several years that she has raised just one. No doubt this little one will be spoiled, not just from Mama but from her new mate as well.
Category: Birds
A Sandhill Crane colt works on its worm snack while its sibling looks on and says, "You gonna eat all of that?"
Category: Birds
A colorful Mallard Drake enjoys a leisurely paddle down the Fox River in Kane County, Illinois.
Category: Birds
A Hooded Merganser rounds up her 10 chicks to lead them out to the middle of the lake for a leisurely swim and a nap.
Category: Birds
Captured this Ruby-throated Hummingbird practicing its superman yoga pose during its nectar run among the flowers.
Category: Birds
"What are YOU looking at? This nest is MINE so you best just be moving along!"
Category: Eagles
This Papa eagle is most likely a first-timer to this whole raising an eaglet thing (and Mama reminds him every now and then). Since becoming Mama's new mate last fall (she lost her previous mate spring of 2019), he's been doing pretty good, but needs to learn a few things . . .
Category: Birds
A Red-tailed Hawk banks to the east while surveying the grasses and prairie for a morning snack.
Category: Birds
An Eared Grebe and a Horned Grebe paddle along the shore in a lake at West Branch Forest Preserve in DuPage County, Illinois. Both had been taking turns diving and then popping back up several seconds later. Sometimes they would separate, but for the most part they were staying together as they navigated along the shoreline on an early Spring day.