Trog’s Blog
Trog’s Blog
Category: Birds
Back in early May this Sandhill Crane pair brought into the world a couple of beautiful colts, and I was fortunate to spend a few days with them before they meandered off across the fields to somewhere else. Didn't see them for about 3 weeks . . .
Category: Birds
How about having an endangered (in Illinois) yellow-headed blackbird staring right at you? Okay, that will do. Hello Yellow!
Category: Eagles
As the lone eaglet in the nest this year, this beauty had plenty of space to branch and strengthen its wings in preparation for its fledge (which happened around 10 days later). On this blustery day in late June with winds from the west, it was perfect conditions to jump back and forth from the branches to the nest.
Category: Invertebrates
This Hummingbird Clearwing moth takes its turn at hovering and poking around the flowers. These moths are excellent pollinators, and need a good amount of energy to keep their wings beating . . .
Category: Invertebrates
A bumblebee with a face full of pollen buzzes among the flowers. Thank God for our pollinators!
Category: Birds
Sandhill Cranes fly to the southwest as the sun sinks into the horizon on the last day of summer 2020. The smoke from distant fires continues to create conditions for brilliant sunsets here in northern Illinois as well as for many other locales. Autumn starts around 8:30 am (central time) on Tuesday, September 22nd, and so it begins.
Category: Birds
Osprey stretches out its beautiful talons to land on the branch of a dead tree. She perched on this branch for quite a while and called out from time-to-time to encourage her two remaining chicks to fledge. Swipe right to see a closer/cropped view of the landing.
Category: Birds
Look who's put on a little weight (okay, perhaps more than a little weight) in preparation for the big trip south. Captured this ruby-throated yesterday, and truly appreciate each day we get with them before they migrate. Hummingbirds will gain 25% to 40% of their body weight before they migrate; if larger birds gained that much weight, they wouldn't be able to take off!
Category: Invertebrates
This female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail may have a couple of battle scars, but she is still a beauty and flits through the flowers with grace and ease.
Category: Eagles
That feeling you get when an eagle looks right at you, into your soul, and gives you the stare. Captured near the Fox River in Kane County, Illinois.