Trog’s Blog

  • Category: Butterflies

    A male Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly is captured in flight on his way to the next flower last August for some nectar. This butterfly has a few battle scars from its adventures as it has some scratches and tears, and is missing both of its tails. Nonetheless, still a beauty!

  • Category: Raptors

    Papa eagle delivers a fish while its mate eagerly awaits so she can feed dinner to the young eaglets. It won't be long before they are poking their little gray, fuzzy heads over the edge of the nest. And they'll be fledging before you know it, within 10 to 12 weeks, as bald eagles are the fastest growing bird in North America.

  • Category: Birds

    A Horned Grebe paddles in a lake at West Branch Forest Preserve in DuPage County, Illinois. It had been diving and popping back up in various spots along the shore on this early Spring day.

  • Category: Birds

    An Eared Grebe paddles in a lake at West Branch Forest Preserve in DuPage County, Illinois. It had been diving and popping back up in various spots along the shore on this early Spring day.

  • Category: Birds

    Two Great Horned Owlets peek out from Mama's side last week while she tries to catch a little nap in Kane County, Illinois.

  • Category: Birds

    One of the Great Horned Owlets peeks out from underneath Mama's wing on a cool, early Spring day in Kane County, Illinois.

  • Category: Birds

    Mama Great Horned Owl has been on her eggs for several weeks, and when this image was captured in mid-March, the owlets had most likely already hatched. They are somewhere there under her wing, waiting for the big reveal in the coming weeks.

  • Category: Birds

    Two Trumpeter Swans bank to the south during the golden hour of an early March evening. They were so beautiful and graceful as they flew a couple of circles over a lake in McHenry County, Illinois.

  • Category: Birds

    Trumpeter Swans are the largest native waterfowl in North America so it is no surprise that they need up to a hundred yards of water to taxi and takeoff. They typically bob their heads up and down and honk a bit right before they are ready to go, and these two swans in McHenry County, Illinois were no exception in early March as I watched them gather at the north end of the lake so they could take off into the south wind . . .

  • Category: Birds

    This Great Horned Owl Mama has been busy incubating her eggs for a few weeks now. And on a warmer than normal day she decided to jump out of her cozy tree nest and take a short flight to a nearby branch before shortly returning to her eggs. She is such a beauty, and a sight to behold! Can't wait to see her young'uns.

Bald Eagle in Flight



Sandhill Cranes on a hill



Ruby-throated Hummingbird hovering over flowers



Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Crane



Trumpeter Swans in Flight



Bumblebee among the flowers



Short-eared Owl on the hunt during sunset

