Trog’s Blog
Trog’s Blog
Category: Birds
After vacationing in the southwest US or Mexico for the winter, Yellow-headed Blackbirds have returned to their breeding grounds in northern Illinois. It's great to once again see these wonderful birds that have so much character, one of my favorites. Welcome back!
Category: Raptors
A Red-tailed Hawk in flight with the breezy spring winds over the Illinois prairie.
Category: Flowers
We had some unusually warm weather (80+ F) for early April here in northern Illinois this week for a couple of days, so just in case it triggered a few early bloomers, headed out to a local forest preserve to check it out . . .
Category: Raptors
Just look at that face! Barn Owls used to be plentiful throughout all of Illinois, including here in northern Illinois. But as much of the Illinois prairie has been developed with small farms dwindling and conglomerate-based farms of soy and corn replaced hay, wheat and cattle enterprises, their numbers were decimated . . .
Category: Bees
Pollen Sacs. What in the heck? Last summer as various types of bees began visiting the flowers, some of the captures showed a few of the bees with these yellow things on their legs - both honey bees and bumblebees had them. Not being a guru on bees, the research began . . .
Category: Raptors
After turning on a dime and diving, a short-eared owl flies low through the prairie in search of an evening snack.
Category: Ducks
When you're capturing the setting sun through a dusty, smoky sky and a skein of ducks flies through the frame . . .
Category: Raptors
Love is in the air . . . and it won't be long before we have a clutch in the nest and hopefully, eaglets in April.
Category: Raptors
Short-eared Owl gets in some evening hunting before the sun slips into the horizon.
Category: Raptors
A Short-eared Owl gathers some speed toward the evening sun after diving for a vole.