• Category: Birds

    Pretty sure this sometimes silly and goofy bird is recognizable and needs no introduction even in silhouette. A Double-crested Cormorant drying out in a tree while the smoked-out and hazed sun descends into the horizon.

  • Category: Birds

    A male Ruby-throated dropped by for a quick visit, and it was good to see our old friend again. Maybe next time he will turn and face head-on so we can catch a glimpse of that glorious throat of his . . .

  • Category: Birds

    A Green Heron surveys the lake contemplating its next move . . .

  • Category: Birds

    Someone was none too happy about his photo session, squawking and carrying one, and some mean stares to boot. And then the lady of the reeds shows up with a snack in her bill, and that didn't help any. Finally, he settled down, repositioned himself and gave me his best side for a quick portrait.

  • Category: Birds

    Close encounter of the Killdeer kind. This sweet Killdeer mommy probably had a nest nearby and wanted to make sure to distract us away from the area, as only Killdeers know how to do (look at me, I'm hurt!). So we didn't linger long . . .

  • Category: Birds

    This female Yellow-headed Blackbird is one of several females (sometimes up to 8) attracted to a male's small territory among the reeds in the marsh. The scientific name for Yellow-headed Blackbird is Xanthocephalus, which means "yellow head" (All About Birds). Now say that three times real fast . . .

Bald Eagle in Flight



Sandhill Cranes on a hill



Ruby-throated Hummingbird hovering over flowers



Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Crane



Trumpeter Swans in Flight



Bumblebee among the flowers



Short-eared Owl on the hunt during sunset

